Paseo del Río at Taylor Yard
The Paseo del Río at Taylor Yard will include a one-mile public use greenway, an entry plaza, and a water quality improvement wetland that supports natural habitat. The Paseo del Río runs along the river's edge on both G1 and G2 parcels.
The Paseo del Río at Taylor Yard will provide open space for increased habitat along the Los Angeles River. Potential amenities to be featured include trails, native habitat areas, health and wellness activities, gathering spaces, outdoor classrooms, a kayak launch and landing, and scenic overlooks. The Paseo del Río at Taylor Yard will benefit our surrounding communities and region while increasing access to the Los Angeles River.
100 Acre Partnership Community Meetings
Notice of Preparation Released for the
Paseo del Río at Taylor Yard
The Paseo del Río at Taylor Yard has moved into the environmental review phase.
In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the Notice of Preparation was released in October 2023 for public review and comment. The City of Los Angeles hosted two public scoping meetings in November 2023. Community review and comments were submitted through mail, email, and both public scoping meetings.
The first meeting was held on Wednesday, November 8th at the Los Angeles River Center and Gardens. The second meeting was hosted virtually on Wednesday, November 15th. English to Spanish translations were provided.
Learn about the environmental review process of the Paseo del Río at Taylor Yard project from the City of Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering.
Public comment for the Notice of Preparation has closed.
Notice of Preparation

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Community Design Workshop #3
The community efforts from Community Design Workshops #1 and #2 were fundamental towards the development of the proposed final conceptual design of the Paseo del Río at Taylor Yard presented at Community Design Workshop #3.
Two sessions of Community Design Workshop #3 were hosted on Saturday, August 5th, 2023, at Río de Los Angeles State Park, and one session virtually on Wednesday, August 23rd, 2023. For each session, translations were provided for participants, English to Spanish and Spanish to English.
All workshop participants engaged with various teams covering specific conceptual design elements of the Paseo del Río at Taylor Yard. Over 1,100 questionnaires were collected from participants at Community Design Workshop #3, which were implemented in refining the final design proposal moving forward in the environmental review phase.

CA State Park booth at Community Design Workshop #3

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Posterboard of map

Posterboard of animal inhabitants

Route map of project

Posterboard of map
Community Design Workshop #2
Community Design Workshop #2 took place on Thursday, November 17th and Saturday, November 19th at Sotomayor High School in 2022. The first meeting provided English to Spanish and Chinese translation. The second meeting was hosted in Spanish with English translation. Participants had the opportunity to decide between the three proposed designs that were informed by Community Workshop #1 and questionnaires collected.
A follow up virtual workshop for Community Design Workshop #2 was hosted on Wednesday, January 18th, 2023. Over 1,200 questionnaires were collected after Community Design Workshop #2, which helped inform the final proposed design for the Paseo del Río at Taylor Yard, which was presented at Community Design Workshop #3.
Alternative Designs

1st alternative design map

2nd alternative design map

3rd alternative design map

1st alternative design map

Group workshop meeting about the 3 alternative designs

Key themes of project

Objectives of project

Key themes of project
Community Design Workshop #1
The 100 Acre Partnership hosted Community Design Workshop # 1 on Saturday, August 13th, 2022 at Río De Los Angeles State Park. Workshop participants shared their preferences for elements to be included in the Paseo del Río at Taylor Yard. Elements included park features and amenities, habitat systems, and other important community values. English to Spanish translations were provided.
Nearly 800 questionnaires were collected after Community Design Workshop #1, which helped inform the design options proposed at Community Design Workshop #2.

100 Acre Partnership station about all projects at Taylor Yard site
Project Video